Satoshi Runners is Changing the Game in Pixel Art

Reading time: 3 minutes

In an attention-based economy, pixel art stands out. It’s distinctive yet relaxing and nostalgic, making it perfect for crowded spaces. However, it takes skill and effort to be good at Pixel art. That’s why the NFT project, Satoshi Runners, is in the spotlight today. The project nails the Pixel Art style with flying colors. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to many of the poorly conceived pixel art NFTs on the marketplace.

Pixel art dates back many years (as early as 1983), and it’s remained an integral part of video games since its inception. There have been distinct styles from arcade gaming to modern console creations throughout the eras – which is quite impressive, considering many assumed it would go out of style. Instead, it prevailed against all odds and is now a crucial benchmark for artistry. It reminds people of how far technology has come, holding a special place in the world.

Satoshi Runners pixel-art design is a unique throwback to the 1990s arcade games, such as Konami’s X-Men and Capcom’s Street Fighter II. The NFT project has world-class artists and animation studios on its team – with experience serving the likes of Minecraft, Disney, UFC, and NFL, to name a few.

According to its founders, the idea for Satoshi Runners primarily derives from the mystery behind Satoshi Nakamoto, their love for cyberpunk-like artwork, Blade Runner, and pixel art. They also took inspiration from existing NFT projects while evolving concepts. The projects that stood out most were KaijuKingz, CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), and Galactic Apes.

These projects provide unique utilities or mechanics, a strong community foundation, and educational resources to assist developers and collectors. Those things are important aspects of what makes an NFT project great.

The team behind Satoshi Runners hail from various places across the globe – specifically, the USA, Brazil, Portugal, UAE, England, and Spain. The founder, Zakareth, is an investor, early NFT adopter, and BAYC (Bored Ape Yacht Club) holder. Co-founder 0xFocus is a 7-figure entrepreneur, Internet marketing expert, and crypto enthusiast.

Other core members of the team include:

  • Teqi, Smart Contract Advisor and BAYC holder
  • Ghosttt, Lead Smart Contract Developer
  • Harvey from Lanot Design Studios
  • Fernanda, Trailer Artist
  • Starman, Lead Artist
  • Felpixel, Trait Designer

Satoshi Runners’ initial collection will feature 7,777 mercenaries and ten legendaries known as The Hackers. Every legendary holder will receive 2 ETH after the reveal; 3 legendaries will remain in the community wallet. The team estimates that 60 ETH ($240,000) will be in the community wallet at the full mint.

Additionally, more than $100,000 and royalties from OpenSea sales will go towards marketing and project expansion through breeding, floor-sweeping, and exciting specialties. Each NFT in the collection will have varying traits, spanning more than 150. Interested parties can review the sneak peek section on their discord server to review some of the collection.

For phase two of the project, the team will introduce a breeding system to further the Satoshi Lineage. Breeding as it relates to Satoshi Runners means mixing two Satoshis to generate a new one. The Baby Satoshi will inherit attributes from its parents, and some will be random. There will be 5,000 Baby Satoshis in the collection, and out of that, 3,888 will be free for collectors with two or more Satoshis.

As for phase three of the project, the team will buy land on Sandbox and Decentraland to grant holders exclusive access to the growing metaverse – where members can use, monetize, or sell their NFTs, including participating in entertaining community events. Over time, Satoshi Runners will introduce more utilities as the community grows continuously.

Frankly, it’s all very exciting – the future of Satoshi Runners is bright. The new player in the NFT space already has 20,000+ Discord members and 11,000+ Twitter followers. On top of that, there are 65 BAYC holders, and 156 MAYC (Mutant Ape Yacht Club) members in their Discord group – 250+ have joined the whitelist. Yet, amazingly, they haven’t even released an official invite link to the public, though the release will be in late February 2022 (official date and time to be announced).

The Satoshi Runners team aims to redefine the value and benefits of pixel art NFTs, expanding what it means to own one. They want to give thousands access to valuable artwork and build a vibrant community that collectors can call home. Once phase two begins (breeding & staking), they will release their second roadmap – interested parties can read the first road map here. Future releases will include other cyberpunk collections, and current holders of multiple Satoshi Runners will get whitelist spots.

Overall, it’s clear that Satoshi Runners is here to stay. The discovery of such a new and promising project in the NFT space is cause for excitement. It outshines many other pixel art NFTs on the marketplace. Further, with experienced founders at the helm and a fast-growing community following, Satoshi Runners is practically set for success.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this press release are those of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of

Louis Adams

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.