Bitcoin Miners Earned 13% Less in February

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Bitcoin miners earned 13% less in February than the previous month. According to sources, the miners’ consolidated income amounted to $1.06 billion, whereas the share of commissions in revenues was only 1.24% or $12.9 million.

The income of BTC miners has been falling for four consecutive months after hitting $1.72 billion in October last year. Then, the indicator approached the ATH recorded in March at $1.74 billion.

A similar trend has been shown by the revenue of Ethereum miners, which started to fall after November. Then, it amounted to $3.6 billion, and by February it dropped to $1.8 billion. The reduction compared to the previous month was about 35%.

While commissions have traditionally made up a considerable share of the income of ETH miners, in February it slid to 66%, its lowest level since September 2021.

Louis Adams

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.