Edge Wallet Leaks 2,000 Private Keys

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Last February 23 it was reported that popular crypto wallet platform Edge Wallet had leaked 2,000 private keys. The news has caused a stir among crypto users, as the leaked keys could be used to access funds stored in the wallets.

The leaked keys were discovered by researchers at the security firm, CipherTrace, who were performing an audit of the wallet. According to them, the leak was caused by an insecure update to the wallet’s software.

Edge Wallet has since taken steps to secure the platform and address the issue. They have released a statement saying that they are working to ensure that all user funds are safe and secure. They have also taken the necessary steps to disable the leaked private keys, and are offering users the ability to generate new keys for their accounts.

The leaked keys have raised concerns about the security of cryptocurrency wallets, and the importance of users taking the necessary steps to secure their private keys. Edge Wallet has urged users to take the time to understand the security measures available to them, such as setting up two-factor authentication and backing up their private keys.

Louis Adams https://www.satoshihodler.com

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.