Base Integrates Security System Pessimism

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The developers behind the Base L2 network have made the Pessimism monitoring system publicly available.

This system is designed to enhance the security of OP Stack and EVM-compatible protocols by quickly identifying and responding to potential threats.

In fact, Pessimism has been actively monitoring and protecting the Base mainnet since its launch. The tool is comprised of three key components: the ETL, which processes and transfers data in real time; the “risk engine,” which analyzes data and evaluates its security; and the notification feature, which distributes alerts through external channels.

Additionally, Pessimism has the capability to assess protocol performance by tracking response time, throughput, and error rates, allowing for prompt response to any potential issues.

The Base team has encouraged the developer community to review Pessimism’s code on GitHub and contribute their own suggestions for improvement.

Louis Adams

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.