CertiK: NFT Project Lucky Star is $1M Exit Scam

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The developers of NFT project Lucky Star Currency (LSC) allegedly carried out a fraudulent scheme on October 9, stealing more than $1.1 million.

According to CertiK analysts, the attackers called the “withdrawToken” function in the NFTMerge and AdwardCenter contracts. As a result, they withdrew more than 3 million LSC and converted them into 1.1 million BUSD through decentralized exchange PancakeSwap.

CertiK has confirmed this was an exit scam because the attacking account implemented the AwardCenter contract.

Lucky Star Currency presented itself as a crypto project founded by astrologers and offered the services of an NFT marketplace. The startup actively advertised in the Chinese market through the Toutiao news app and the Zhihu Q&A platform.

On October 10, an alleged representative of the DAO project wrote on Telegram that an external hacker was to blame for the situation. According to the statement, the team is conducting an investigation and preparing new smart contracts for implementation.

Louis Adams https://www.satoshihodler.com

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