Crypto Miner Marathon Digital Launches a Bitcoin Mining Pilot Based on Renewable Energy

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Marathon Digital, a mining company, has recently announced the launch of a new pilot project that will utilize renewable energy resources to mine Bitcoin.

This project will make use of methane released from landfills and the first installations will have a total capacity of 280 kW.

The chosen location for this project is in the state of Utah in the United States and it is being implemented in collaboration with Nodal Power.

Marathon Digital has stated that they will consider increasing the capacity of the project depending on its performance.

This initiative is part of the company’s larger plan to explore the potential of capturing methane released from landfills and converting it into electricity to power Bitcoin mining operations.

Other companies, such as Vespene Energy, have also been working on similar projects to use alternative energy sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Louis Adams

I am an experienced crypto news writer. I have been in the industry for many years and believe this tech can bring financial freedom to everyone.