In a post on Telegram on November 26, the creators of Inferno Drainer, one of the most sought-after services for draining crypto wallets, announced that they are permanently shutting down.
The team behind the infamous wallet-draining kit shared that it is “time for us to move on” after helping phishing scammers steal approximately $70 million in cryptocurrency this year.
However, instead of destroying the necessary files and infrastructure, they will keep the systems active to facilitate a smooth transition for users to other services.
“We have had a long journey with all of you, and we want to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever,” the team wrote.
They also extended gratitude to all those who had worked with them, hoping to be remembered as the best drainers in existence who have successfully assisted individuals in their pursuit of earning money.
Inferno Drainer rose to prominence earlier this year, especially after the popular Monkey Drainer tool was taken offline.